What Will Technology Look Like in the Next 20 Years?
I would offer you a reference of something that you might be acquainted with. If you saw the FRIENDS TV series, the one where they were recording thoughts for Emma to see on her birthday in 2020, Phoebe expected the technology to take over everything and people might be living on clouds in some floating cities built by them. Well, if you see the conditions in 2020, you would have never wished to live up to this year.
I am writing this in 2021 and if you see this post 20 years later, in about 2041, I expect the technology to grow much better, but the life of people might turn more miserable. This is something that has to be pondered over by the researchers that even if you build a floating city, how would you carry the essential flora and fauna to the place and in lack of that, no city is a city.
21 years in the 21st century, I have realized that while the technology had made it so easy for the people to live and work, the quality of life of the people has deteriorated. And by quality of life, I mean the amount of increase in the medical bills and the decrease in physical activities.
So in next 20 years, you may not have to even raise your hands to brush your teeth or to pick up that breakfast sandwich from your table because there might be robots doing all this for you, or some technological innovations doing most of it for you. However, is this good for the human body? Well, this is something that shortens the distance between you and your grave because human body is a machine made by the Noble Almighty and if machines do not keep working, they would surely rust and meet their end.
So, keep doing all sorts of physical activities and do not rely on technology. Don’t be a slave to something that has been meant to be enslaved.