The Habits You Follow is Who You Are
There is something very common in the world. People will judge you on the basis of what you have already achieved in your life and not what you have been doing regularly.
Right from a very young age, you get the tag of a Bright Student, a Mediocre Student, or a Dull Student based on the marks you get in the exams. If you get good marks, you are a good student. This is something that you have already achieved and you are being judged on your past accomplishments, which is not always right.
Nobody sees that you read daily, follow a passion daily, or meditate daily. All that they see is you get good marks once a year and they are happy to judge you in that aspect. Similarly, you are judged on the basis of what you accomplish in your life. If you achieve something good at a very young age, you actually become a successful person in the eyes of the people who know you.
If you are earning a lot of money in your life, you are a successful person. If you have achieved some title in your life, you are actually a successful person. But at what cost? And does that accomplishment once in your life mean to you?
Well, you are definitely not what you have achieved in your life. You may be a managing director of a big brand, but if you are not happy in life and always looking to quit what you are doing, you are actually not quite successful.
In fact, you could consider yourself more successful when you actually follow habits that once made you successful. Against this, if you leave the habits that made you successful once, you may not be considered successful, just based on your past accomplishments. What do you think?