Is the First Impression Really the Last Impression?
Right from when we were in Kindergarten, we have been taught a phrase and this was, “First Impression is the Last Impression”. I don’t know how many people stand for or against this phrase but at the current age, this phrase can be true as well as false. It all depends on the person you meet just one time and those who meet you again and again.
For instance, if you look at the current scenario, people tend to judge you by your appearance. If you are meeting some person for the first time, they would look closely at you, your dress, and your overall behavior. And they would certainly form an opinion about you on this outer appearance.
Many of them change their view when they talk to you, but if you do not talk to a person you meet, their first impression would surely their last impression for you. In this superficial world, it is very easy to get judged on the basis of how you look from outside, rather than your nature, character, and attitude.
But against this, when people know you inside-out and tend to tell other people, their first opinion would not be their last opinion. And I believe that looks can be really deceptive these days. People tend to show off a little too much in this age of social media and while they appear so happy from outside, these people are really sad in their real life.
So while it is easy to believe that first impression could be the last impression, I think the opinions can change when you meet the people the next time or can change the very next minute when you have a chat with them.
There is social media life of people and then there is the real life of people. And you know exactly that what people show on social media, they are almost exactly opposite to it.