How to Tip a Waiter Smartly
Recently, one of my friends went to a restaurant with another one of her friends. They spent about an hour on a table and ate lunch worth $50 something. When it came to tipping, she tried to lend a $5 bill to the waiter. Instead of taking it, the waiter asked the person to keep it with a formidable face and went away. Well, this is certainly so embarrassing for the person because the waiter returning the tip is something that they would have not expected at all. However, they did not even try to offer more because the waiter was already gone.

The aim to tell this story to you was that even you could face such an incident when you go out to eat. While some people tip the food delivery people and the waiters too generously, the others are a little miser and look to save some money in the process.
However, by saving a little bit of tipping money, you cannot make a fortune. And so you should look to tip generously at most of the places, especially when you get good and fast delivery or service. As a thumb rule, you should tip $2 for every $10 you spend at the restaurant. This means if you eat food worth about $50 in the restaurant, you got to keep $10 as the tip. This is not a stick-to-it rule and you can offer more or less as per your capability. However, the waiters generally look at this as a standard rule, and to save yourself from any embarrassment, you can try this out.