Can You Celebrate Your Birthdays Alone?
Once, a very wise, young superstar from Hollywood said that if you can eat alone in a restaurant or watch a movie all alone in a movie theater, you can do anything in life. Well, this is something that would hit many people hard because eating alone in a restaurant is one of the most embarrassing things they could face. It appears as if they do not have anyone who could accompany them.
And watching movies all alone in a movie theater is still acceptable because there could be hundreds of people in a place that is dark and no one has enough light to judge you (pun intended).
Actually, the point of going to a movie theater or going to a restaurant is not watching a movie or eating good food respectively. It’s actually a process in which people enjoy with each other. And hence, rarely would you see them alone in such places.
But these things are still manageable if people garner enough courage. Taking a step forward, do you have the courage to celebrate your birthday alone? I know it’s a lame question because many people celebrate their birthday all alone. However, the same people think that their life could have been much better when they had a few friends who offered them surprises on their birthday. While living alone with your parents or guardians, you may still celebrate your birthdays, but celebrating them with your friends is something special.
But if you celebrate your birthday absolutely alone, either you are too introverted or you do not have good friends. Also, the problem could be with your personal attitude and you may not be good at preserving people with whatever they want from you.
However, if you are absolutely alone in your life, why not celebrate your birthday, go to a movie theater or go to a restaurant with people who are needy and alone as well. Some people have never visited a restaurant just because they are not allowed in restaurants and if you could help them with this on your birthday and make their day happy as well, this could be the happiest day in your life.
So you are not alone in life. You actually choose to be alone. Look out and you will find people who are looking for people like you.